I'm an interaction designer and technologist passionate about prototyping for innovation.After earning degrees in computer science and design,
I managed the design consultancy IXDS,
co-founded and led the open-source project Fritzing,
and participated in many research projects.
I am eager to apply my broad background to your challenges.
Work Experience
Humanizing Technology
Independent Consultant and Instructor
Consulting on UX design & technology innovations for clients like Volkswagen, AUDI, MAN, Deutsche Telekom, in collaboration with studios such as PCH Innovations , strichpunkt design and STURM und DRANG.
Teaching classes and workshops, as well as mentoring (see → Activities).
Design & Engineering Lead
Managing Director
Built up the company and consulted for innovation arms of large corporations like Volkswagen, Deutsche Telekom, Nokia Here, Deutsche Bahn, Siemens and agile start-ups like Soundian and yetu.
Project Lead
Co-founded and led the project from research to widely adopted tool, with a worldwide community of over 200,000 users.
FH Potsdam
Research Associate
Led teams in several independent research projects at the Interaction Design Lab with Prof. Reto Wettach
Goldsmiths College London
Research Associate
Collaborated on design-led research project at Interaction Research Studio with Prof. William Gaver
Bauhaus-University Weimar
Research Associate
Collaborated on Fritzing development and teaching at theInterface Design groupof Prof. Jens Geelhaar
M.A. Interaction Design
FH Potsdam
Diplom-Medieninformatiker (FH)
FH Wedel
University of the Arts, Zürich
Guest semester at Interaction Design Department, DAAD stipend
WS 2004
Imperial College, London
Guest semester Mathematics & Computer Science
WS 2000
European College of Liberal Arts, Berlin
Philosophy & Literature Summer School
Meier, S., et al. A Real-world Mobile Prototyping Framework for Location- and Context-based Services.
In Proceedings of WCI – Wireless Communication and Information: Mobile Society, 2012. Berlin, Germany.
Knörig, A.: Home Sensor Network - A domestic investigation toolkit
In ESPRC Research Reports, Goldsmiths College, London 2012.
Knörig, A.: Fritzing - A common language to exchange ideas
In Open Design Now. 221. Amsterdam 2011, BIS Publishers.
Knörig, A., Howell, B. Studio: Advanced Prototyping with Fritzing.
In Proceedings of Tangible, Embodied and Embedded Interfaces 2010. Cambridge, Mass. 341-343.
Knörig, A., Wettach, R., Cohen, J. Fritzing – A tool for advancing electronic prototyping for designers.
In Proceedings of Tangible and Embedded Interfaces 2009. Cambridge, UK. 351-358.
Hemmert, F., Knörig, A., Wettach, R., Joost, G. Stick, Click‘n Call: Self-adhesive Pressure-Activated RFID Tags for Mobile Phones.
In Proceedings of Tangible and Embedded Interfaces 2009. Cambridge, UK. 283-284.
Knörig, A. 2008. Design Tools Design: How to design tools for designers, and a proposal of two new tools for the design of physical interactions.
Master Thesis, Univ. of Applied Sciences Potsdam.
Hemmert, F., Knörig, A., Wettach, R., Joost, G. Dynamic Knobs: Shape Change as a Means of Interaction on a Mobile Phone.
In Proceedings of ACM SIGCHI 2008 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Florence, Italy.CHI '08. 2309-2314.
Knörig, A. 2007. The bodily aspect in computer-supported creativity.
In Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGCHI Conference on Creativity & Cognition. Washington, DC, USA. C&C '07. ACM Press, New York, NY, 287.
Knörig, A.: Neoanalog - Leiblichkeit und Kreativität.
In acar2: from artefact to actefact. Catalogue of Ars Electronica 2007 Campus, 212-214. Basel 2007, Verlag HyperWerk HGK FHNW.
Knörig, A., Müller, B., Wettach, R. 2007. Articulated Paint: Musical Expression for Non-Musicians.
In Proceedings of the Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. New York, NY, USA. NIME '07. 384-385.
Knörig, A. 2006. Free the body and the mind will follow: An investigation into the role of the human body in creativity, and its application to HCI.
Diploma Thesis, Univ. of Applied Sciences Wedel.
Project Direction
Team leadership, client management, product definition, customer involvement, agile project management, design critiques, business validation
Physical Computing
Microcontrollers (Arduino, Raspberry Pi, mbed, Teensy),Internet of Things (spark.io, relayr, pinocc.io), pcb layout (Fritzing, Eagle), sensors, actuators, wireless, bus systems
Generative Design
Procedural systems (Processing, openFrameworks, cinder), graphical languages (PureData, vvvv, Max/MSP, NI Reaktor), 3D (Unity, OpenGL, Three.js), VR, audio synthesis, generative systems
Design Methods
Co-creation, cultural probes, brainstorming, bodystorming, observation, immersion, cluster & frameworks, personas & archetypes, card sorting, Wizard-of-Oz-prototyping, workshop facilitation, paper prototyping, storyboards, etc.
Programming Languages
Java, C#, JavaScript, Python, HTML/CSS, Embedded C, C++, et al.
Web Frontend/Backend, Desktop, Mobile, Artificial Intelligence, Embedded, Internet of Things
Spoken Languages
German, English, French, Dutch
ACM SIGCHI, IXDA, GI Working Group Tangible Interactions